This year has been like none ever before. In the 23 years of my existence, since the time I can remember, years were clocked with changing school standards 1st, 2nd, 3rd...... June mingled with the scent of fresh paper of new books and May was best remembered for being at home or some vacation spot on a mountain far away. The rest of months were fused. Classrooms, friends, teachers, sports days, assemblies, exams....
Then college came. Nothing much changed except for the lack of a school uniform and compulsory attendance.
Then came June 2007. No new paper smell greeted this month. I spent most of it in the house, helping my mother who had torn an ankle ligament. I tried to enter new pursuits in the months that followed: joining a gym, enrolling for a correspondence coaching course for those mgmt. entrance exams, making plans for catching up with friends. For the first time ever, I felt the months making their presence felt. An August which led to September, September to October, October to November.......It is May now. 11 months of random, structureless life. Nothing like the lovely ordered study and work patterns I was so familiar with.
My schedule has been disrupted. This is not done. I am free-floating. Not enjoying the feeling. I now treasure routine, love planning. I want to know what is in store for me tomorrow. I want the power to change it. I am a victim of the moment. I want to conquer it.