Tomorrow is another day. Another day, which has come again like a magnifying glass, for amplifying all my follies and misendeavours. Pierce me, like a inconspicious shard of glass on the floor, with realisation of wasted time and my growing years. I will cry again about my under-achievements, spend time brooding on my ever-widening paunch and curse the direction which is still eluding me. I will answer some fifty-odd calls. From friends, once-friends, family. I will smile and laugh a false tinkly laugh. I will accept presents greedily, then wonder whether I deserve all this attention today. I will shy away from the cacophony of the birthday song, loathe the candles and the cake and be afraid of the smiling faces which will surround me. Yet, I will be thankful that they are there. I will be grateful for everything I have. I will secretly bless those who call me. My false laughs will cover my happy tears. I will stare at my presents for hours and read the greeting cards well until next year. My celebration will be for my haves and my incarceration for my have-nots. Tomorrow holds much promise.I will look forward.
Very Very Nice....
ReplyDeleteso im reading ur blog right now